2014 Masters from Ecole nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris


DENATURE, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Polychroma, Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
Idioms, The Finch Project, London
Sight Specific, The Finch Project, Cromwell Place, London
Serpenti in Art, BVLGARI New York, 5th Avenue, New York
Nocturne, 3A Gallery, Canal St., New York
touch of time, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
The English Garden, Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
Twitch of the Eye, neon installation, PS122 Gallery, East Village, New York
carte blanche, curated by Samuels Creative & Co., Park Hyatt NY, 57th St., New York
ATLAS, 187 Lafayette St., SoHo, New York
New & Selected Works, Studio | Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
Invisible Green, Galerie Vaste Horizon, Arles
Window Series, Kiosk, Unité d’Habitation, Marseille
Sophie Kitching, Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
TAKE AWAY, Le mois du Solo Show, invited by Ines Domange Haym & Damien Caccia, Grande Surface, Bruxelles
Nuits Américaines, Maison de Chateaubriand, Châtenay-Malabry (through March 2018)
Room without a view, curated by Camille Frasca & Antoine Py, Arnaud Deschin Galerie, Paris
Fragments d'un voyage immobile, Parcours Saint-Germain 2017, Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle, Paris
Days in between, 47 Howard St., SoHo, New York
Nuits Américaines, curated by Anne Bourrassé as part of Ecran Total, Le Huit, Paris
More than half, Less than full, CuatroH, Bushwick, New York
Je me suis rappelé cent fois, installation and performance, Grand Projet, EnsAD, Paris
Closer, Jeppe Hein Studio, Berlin
Transmissions, site-specific installation, NXNE Art, Toronto
Commonplaces, installation and performance, Pioneer Works, Red Hook, New York


Trois à part, Sophie Kitching, Sophie Ullrich & Jan Voss, Nosbaum Reding, Bruxelles
Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
, Caroline Denervaud & Sophie Kitching, The Finch Project, London
Concrete Blossoms, Sophie Kitching & Jefferson Fouquet, KENZO Marais, Paris
-46,08°, Sophie Kitching, Anselm Schenkluhn & Rasmus Søndergaard Joahnnsen, curated by Sophie Buscher, Dierk Höhne & Alice Gustson, fffriedrich, Frankfurt/Main
Confinium — Perspectives on landscape and history, Alizée Gazeau, Sophie Kitching & Simon Martin, curated by Robin Buchholz, Bubenberg, Paris 
Découvrir, Recouvrir, Sophie Kitching, Romain Métivier & Henri Wagner, Galerie Graphem, Paris


Landscape Painting Today, Messums West, Tisbury, UK
Art Herning,
presented by Alice Folker Gallery, Herning, Denmark
Morgan Stanley HQ, curated by Heidi Lee Komaromi, 1585 Broadway, New York
Maison Ruinart, Secret Cellar designed by Sou Fugimoto, Reims
Winter Salon, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Artists for the Orchid Foundation, online auction, Artsy, New York
Emerging Landscape Painting Today, online exhibition, Messums London
Bergdorf Goodman, presented by The Spaceless Gallery, New York
Studio Chloé Nègre, presented by The Spaceless Gallery, Paris
Veronese Paris, presented by The Spaceless Gallery, Paris
Enter Art Fair, presented by Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Sommer Showroom, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Landscape, text by Katrine Stenum Poulsen, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Dumbo Open Studios, 68 Jay St, Brooklyn
Art Herning, presented by Alice Folker Gallery, Herning, Denmark
London Art Fair, presented by The Finch Project, London
Artists for the Orchid Foundation, online auction, Artsy, New York
20 artistes de la Galerie + 1, Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
Vintersalon, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Luxembourg Art Week, presented by Nosbaum Reding, Luxembourg
Enter Art Fair, presented by Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
GOLSA X ALICE FOLKER, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Sommer Showroom, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
À la maison, curated by Anne Carpentier & Emmanuelle Oddo, Arles
Femme F(r)iction, C1760, Academy Mansion Upper, 2 E 63 St, New York
Art Brussels, presented by Nosbaum Reding, Bruxelles
Dumbo Open Studios, with Guillermo Rodriguez Suarez, 68 Jay St, Brooklyn
De Leur Temps (7), Frac Grand Large - Hauts de France, presented by ADIAF, Dunkerque
Art Herning, presented by Alice Folker Gallery, Herning, Denmark
London Art Fair, presented by The Finch Project, London
Little shop of extraordinary personal beauty, curated by Anna Stahn, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen (through February 2023)
Enter Art Fair, presented by Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
IN THE ZONE, curated by Efrat Edelsten, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Maison 1729
, Ruinart X Frieze New York, Studio 525, Chelsea, New York
i set my face to the hillside, curated by Ian Cofre, PS122 Gallery, East Village, New York
La Petite Collection V, curated by Pauline Lisowski, Galerie Bertrand Grimont, Paris
DRAWING NOW Alternative, presented by Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
The Living Room, curated by Samuels Creative & Co., Park Hyatt New York, 57th Street, New York
SUPERFICIEL, curated by Camille Frasca & Antoine Py, Galerie Mansart, Paris
Les Analogues, curated by Thibault Bissirier, Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
For your eyes only, online exhibition, organized by Bubenberg, Paris
French Cliché, curated by Studio Marant, Paris
this instance between us, curated by Ian Cofre, PS122 Gallery, East Village, New York
KIOSK Shop, Flash Back Flash Forward, Gordon Robichaux, 14th Street, New York
Un Salon d’Hiver, curated by Robin Buchholz, Bubenberg, Paris
Bienvenue Art Fair, presented by Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
Chambre-A-Part, curated by Emmanuelle Oddo, Vaste Horizon, Arles
Painting Space Open Studios, PS 122, East Village, New York
Pièce-A-Part, curated by Emmanuelle Oddo, Piece-A-Part, Marseille
A Show of Shows, KIOSK, Cité Radieuse — Unité d’Habitation Le Corbusier, Marseille
Room 237, curated by Anne Bourrassé, presented by Contemporaines, Bubenberg, Paris
ArtVilnius’19, Focus France curated by Aurélie Faure, presented by Bubenberg, Vilnius, Lithuania
Eco Shifters, curated by Debora Hirsch, Fondazione La Fabbrica del Cioccolato, Torre, Switzerland
Flower Power, curated by Anaïd Demir, Hotel La Louisiane, Parcours Saint Germain; Paris
Misaotra, 10 ans de Merci, invited by Studio Marant, Merci, Paris
La SAGA II, Double V Gallery, Marseille
Eco Shifters — preview screening, Carriage Trade, Lower East Side, New York
Christmas Party IV — Inquiétante Étrangeté, Under Construction Gallery, Paris
Morceaux Choisis II, collective exhibition with multiple curators, invited by Anne Monier, Bubenberg, Paris
Gypsy Gallery — Epilogue, Bubenberg, Paris
Été indien(s), La Marchande des 4 Saisons, Arles
Bubenberg’s Gypsy Gallery, traveling exhibition, French Coasts
Week End Perspective, curated by Emmanuelle Oddo (Piece À Part) & Anne Carpentier (La Marchande des 4 Saisons), Cabanon Champsaur, Marseille
Group Show — Sur Rendez-Vous, Arnaud Deschin Galerie, Paris (through January 2018)
Morceaux Choisis, collective exhibition with multiple curators, hosted by Bubenberg, invited by Joséphine Dupuy-Chavanat, 62 rue François Ier, Paris
Something in a box, hosted by Studio Marant & Flash Design Store, The Hoxton, Paris
Surfaces sans cible / After Photography, curated by Anaïd Demir, 22 Visconti, Paris
Une collection #4, presented by Camille Frasca & Antoine Py, Villa Riviera Cottage, Nice
52, curated by Double Séjour, Villa Belleville, Paris
L’eau de vos yeux, douze architectures géniales, presented by Cercle de La Horla, 11B rue Elzévir, Paris
Lancement Revue Point Contemporain #4, Under Construction Gallery, Paris
Garder le Cap, Galerie Valerie Delaunay, Paris
Une collection #3, presented by Camille Frasca & Antoine Py, rue Charlot, Paris
Appareiller, Une nouvelle génération d'artistes, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Proof of Concept, 67, Lower East Side, New York
Une collection #2, presented by Camille Frasca and Antoine Py, Avenue de Saint-Mandé, Paris
Une inconnue d'avance, curated by Gaël Charbau, Révélations Emerige 2016, Villa Emerige, Paris
RELÈVE, Crédit municipal de Paris, Paris tell the truth, The Maverick Expo #4, Showroom Louis Bontemps, Paris
Une collection #1, presented by Camille Frasca & Antoine Py, Avenue de Saint-Mandé, Paris tell the truth, The Maverick Expo #3, Noho Studios, London
Islands, series of paintings, WorkOf, WantedDesign, NYCxDESIGN 2016, New York
Ruyi / as [you] wish, Gallery Huayuan Art, Art Expo New York 2016, New York
Et quelque(s) espacement(s), Galerie melanie Rio, Paris
Cachet de la Poste faisant foi, curated by Valentine Busquet, Fondation Hippocrène, Villa Mallet-Stevens, Paris
Je me suis rappelé cent fois, Grands Projets, Open Days 2015, EnsAD, Paris
Je me suis rappelé cent fois, Grands Projets 2014, EnsAD, Paris
Le rythme et l’allure, Crous Gallery, Paris
The common place, Open Studios, SVA, New York
Fairy Queen, installation, as part of the exhibition L'Envers et l'Endroit, Centquatre, Paris
XY-XX, site-specific installation and performance, National Library of France (BNF), Paris
Teodolinda, Showroom Maison Rubelli, Paris
Metroscope, site-specific performance, Saint-Martin subway station, Nuit Blanche 2010, Paris
Young Talents Exhibition, group show, Guest Artist Prize, Paris Dauphine University, Paris


2024 Artist Residency to celebrate 6th Anniversary of Joali Maldives with Ruinart, Maldives
Art commission, Secret Cellar, Maison Ruinart, Reims
“Serpenti in Art” capsule collection for BVLGARI
Collaboration & Residency, Ruinart Maison 1729, Frieze New York
Project Space Studio Artist, PS 122, New York
2019 Best Booth at ArtVilnius with Bubenberg, Vilnius
2017 Artist in residence, Maison de Chateaubriand, Châtenay-Malabry
2016 Bourse Révélations Emerige, Paris
2013 Associated Artist, NXNE Art
2012 International Grant to study at the School of Visual Arts, New York


2024 You Can’t Have a Rainbow Without A Little Rain. The Taste of Studio Jeppe Hein", artist book and cookbook, published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König
"De Leur Temps (7)", FRAC Grand Large, ADIAF exhibition catalogue, Silvana Editoriale, Dunkerque
2021 “MULTIPLES, INC.: 1965-1992”, Edited by Dieter Schwarz, Marian Goodman Gallery & Walter König, New York
2019 "5 ans — Bourse Révélations Emerige", catalogue featuring 58 artists from the Emerige Prize, Paris
"Picasso et les contemporains. Éloge de la Fabrique" exhibition catalogue, Musée de Vence
"Nuits Américaines. Sophie Kitching | Maison de Chateaubriand", monographic catalogue, Lienart
"Appareiller — une nouvelle génération d'artiste", exhibition catalogue, Palais de Tokyo, EnsAD
"Don Quichotte", Program of the Ballet du Capitole Season 2016 – 2017, set design, Toulouse
2016 "Bourse Révélations Emerige 2016", exhibition catalogue, text by Gaël Charbau
2015 "Catalogue des Diplomés 2014", published by EnsAD, Paris
2013 “La Bête et la Belle”, Program of the Ballet du Capitole Season 2013 - 2014, set design, Toulouse
2013 “Le spectateur à l’œuvre", thesis on Experience, Engagement, and Hospitality, EnsAD Library


AD, Architectural Digest nº186, Le nouveau goût français, "L'univers AD: S'émerveiller dans une cave secrète", article, September/October 2024 
The Steidz, “Sophie Kitching, peintre à rebours”, interview Thibault Bissirier, October 2, 2024
Le Quotidien de l’art, “Marché de l’art en France: Etat des lieux”, image Polychroma, October 2024
Slash, “Notre sélection d'expositions 09/24”, Polychroma, article, September 18, 2024
Le Journal des Arts, Polychroma, mention
Paris Gallery Map, Polychroma, mention
Artforum Artguide, Polychroma, mention
The Design Release, The Spaceless Gallery x Bergdorf Goodman, mention, September 2024
Galerie Magazine, "The Artful Life: 5 Things Galerie Editors Love This Week", "The Spaceless Gallery Returns to Bergdorf Goodman", article by Jacqueline Terrebonne, image, September 2024
The Gourmet Gazette, “Critic’s Choice: Paris Comes to New York at Bergdorf Goodman, mention
WWD, "A Nomadic Gallery Enters Bergdorf’s", The Spaceless Gallery x Bergdorf Goodman, mention, August 2024
The Spaceless Gallery, Bergdorf Goodman, mention, August 2024
Enter Art Fair 2024, Alice Folker Gallery, mention, August 2024
France Télévisions, Ouija Direction Thomas Bourguignon, peinture et mention, August 2024
Art in Dumbo, Open Studios, page artiste, April 2024
ELLE Decoration UK, Elle Decoration #374 "Heart of Glass”, feature, styling by Sania Pell, March 2024
London Art Fair 2024, The Finch Project, mention, January 2024
Architectural Digest, "Bulgari Serpenti: How the Snake-Inspired Design Became a Symbol of Style and Sophistication", article de Dennis Braatz, mention, January 2024
CRASH Magazine #101, The Art Issue. Women only, "Serpenti in Art by Sophie Kitching", article by Roisin Breen
ARTSY, "Artists for the Orchid Foundation" Benefit Auction, mention
Art Majeur Magazine, ”NICHOLE GALICIA: Between Cinema, Fashion and Passion for Contemporary Art” article by Jean Dubreil, mention
Town & Country, Nocturne Serpenti, mention
GALA, Invisible Green Serpenti, mention
LE F | L'art de vivre du Figaro, "Sophie Kitching a plus d'un tour dans son sac", article by Fabrice Gaignault [read more]
BVLGARI, “SERPENTI IN ART: Serpenti Forever meets Art in a special collection of handbags”, story [read more]
BVLGARI, “Sophie Kitching | Serpenti in Art”, YouTube video [see more]
VOGUE Scandinavia, “Artist Sophie Kitching gives us the low-down on her expressive Bulgari collaboration”, article by By Josefin Forsberg [read more]
Whitewall Magazine,Bulgari Taps Artists to Reimagine the Serpenti Forever Handbag”, article by Erica Silverman [read more]
L’Officiel, “Sunwoo Kim, Zhou Li and Sophie Kitching revisit Bulgari's Serpenti bag”, article by Karen Rouach [read more]
Revue Point Contemporain #28, double-page portrait, Mars-Avril-Mai 2023
The Art Newspaper, Art Brussels & ‘Trois à Part’ at Nosbaum Reding, mention
Le Soir Belgique, 'Un air de printemps chez Nobaum Reding', article
Art Observed, ‘New York — Sophie Kitching: “Nocturne” at 3A Gallery’, text by Alena Marchak [read more]
Connaissance des arts, “Art contemporain : qu’achètent les collectionneurs français ?”mention [read more]
ADIAF, Frac Grand Large, mention [read more]
Télérama Sorties, Frac Grand Large, mention [read more]
Artforum, ‘Nocturne’ mention in the International Artguide [read more]
Pablo Difuso, ‘Nocturne’ mention in the newsletter
Enter Art Fair, Weekly art guide, feature on ‘touch of time’
, article on ‘touch of time’
, ‘Champagne House Ruinart Boldly Steps Into The Future’, article by Elva Ramirez, September 19. 2022 [read more]
HEC Alumni, ‘Arts et entreprise : rencontre avec Fabien Vallérian’, article by Claire Hazart, September 15. 2022 [read more]
CRASH Magazine, ‘RUINART X FRIEZE NY ‘MAISON 1729’, article on Second Skins, July 2022 [read more]
V-Magazine, ‘Ruinart Champagne launches Maison 1729 at Frieze New York’, article by Matthew Velasco [read more]
The Design Release, ‘House of Ruinart Presents Maison 1729’, article by Leo Lei [read more]
Whitewall Art, ‘Friday Fête: Frieze Week Parties, Fashion Soirees, Book Launches, and More’, mention [read more]
The PR Net, ‘Ruinart Presents Maison 1729 at Frieze New York’, mention [read more]
Le Littéraire, article The English Garden, text by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret [read more]
mention The English Garden [read more]
Arts Hebdos,
article The English Garden
Art Absolument,
magazine #100, mention The English Garden
Point Contemporain,
mention The English Garden
Paris Gallery Map,
mention The English Garden
Cultbyte, article Sophie Kitching: carte blanche carte blanche, July 2021
Park Hyatt New York, mention carte blanche, June 2021 [read more]
DRAWING NOW Alternative, Galerie Isabelle Gounod, June 2021 [read more]
CRASH Magazine, article SUPERFICIEL, Galerie Mansart, June 2021 [read more]
artvisions, article SUPERFICIEL, Galerie Mansart, June 2021 [read more]
Flavia Tomaello, article carte blanche, June 2021 [read more]
Diario de Gacetillas, article carte blanche, by Flavia Tomaello, June 2021
Le Journal du Dimanche, mention SUPERFICIEL, Galerie Mansart, May 2021
Citizen K / Homme, « Carnets d’un collectionneur », by Fabien Vallérian, p.74-77, Hiver 2020-2021 [read more]
Les Amis du National Museum of Women in the Arts, interview 'Sophie Kitching', December 2020
Femmes d'Art, 'Une artiste / une oeuvre', November 2020
Artfacts, mention New & Selected Works at the Studio | Galerie Isabelle Gounod, July 2020
Yellow Over Purple, 'L'interview Aux Quatre Questions', June 2020 [read more]
For your eyes only, press release Bubenberg, April 2020 [read more]
Aluring*, article Sophie Kitching, March 2020 [read more]
Agenda Point Contemporain, article Invisible Green, October 2019 [read more]
Le Figaro Méditerranée, Pièce-A-Part Galerie très singulière, mention, September 2019
Kiosk, Sophie Kitching’s Window Series, text by Alisa Grifo, August 2019 [read more]
Crash Magazine, article, Flower Power, June 2019 [read more]
Parcours Saint Germain, mention, Flower Power, June 2019 [read more]
ArtVilnius’19, mention, Bubenberg, June 2019 [read more]
Dust Distiller, La Chronique d’Alexandre Castant : Sounding New, Sophie Kitching, May 2019 [read more]
Numero, article, À Paris, la peinture bouge encore (en 5 expositions), by Matthieu Jacquet, May 2019 [read more]
Sight Unseen, mention, Saturday Selects – Week of April 29, 2019, by Dana Covit, May 2019 [read more]
Lithuania Tribune, mention "‘ArtVilnius ’19 Art Fair is celebrating its one-decade anniversary’, May 2019 [read more]
E-Artnow, mention ArtVilnius 2019, May 2019 [read more]
ActuArt, Exposition Peinture Contemporaine - Sophie Kitching, by Eric Simon, May 2019 [read more]
Galerie Isabelle Gounod, exhibition page, May 2019 [read more]
L’autre quotiden, L'expérience affective du quotidien de Sophie Kitching, by B.B. Fricotin, April 2019 [read more]
Slash, artist page, à propos, Sophie Kitching, April 2019 [read more]
Artforum, mention, exhibition Galerie Isabelle Gounod, April 2019 [read more]
Parcours Saint Germain, exhibition Flower Power, May 2019 [read more]
CNAP, portrait, April 2019 [read more]
Slash Paris, exhibition Galerie Isabelle Gounod, April 2019 [read more]
Atelier de Sèvres, interview, Rencontre : Sophie Kitching, diplômée des Arts Déco et artiste confirmée, by Fanny Plateau, April 2019 [read more]
Galerie Isabelle Gounod, artist page, March 2019 [read more]
Studio Marant, La Matriochka ne s’emboîte pas, Project Misaotra for Merci Paris, March 2019, [read more]
La Fabbrica del Cioccolato, exhibition Eco Shifters, December 2018 [read more]
KubaParis, -46,08° @ fffriedrich – A Stardust Essay by Carina Bukuts, March 2018 [read more]
Art Observed, article on -46,08° by Alice Gustson, March 2018 [read more]
The Article, article on -46,08° by Maximilian Wahlich, February 2018 [read more]
Boum! Bang!, article on Nuits Américaines by Pauline Lisowski, February 2018 [read more]
Vallée de la Culture #16, Les Nuits Américaines de Chateaubriand, artist portrait by Didier Lamare, January 2018 [read more]
Artpress, article on Nuits Américaines by Louise-Amalia Fischer, Exclu web "Arts", December 2017 [read more]
Le Point, newspaper, mention of Octogardens, shown as part of Something in a Box, December 2017 [read more]
Crash magazine, article on Surface sans Cible — After Photography, special Art issue #82, December 2017 [read more]
Crash, article on Surface sans Cible — After Photography, December 2017 [read more]
« L’art contemporain, miroir de la société ? », rencontre-débat with Pauline Lisowski, Maison de Chateaubriand, Châtenay-Malabry, 18 November 2017
HDS Mag n°55, artist portrait & article L'Amérique de Sophie Kitching by Didier Lamare, September - October 2017 [read more]
Vallée de la Culture, article on Nuits Américaines, September - October - November 2017
Parcours Saint Germain, exhibition catalogue, June 2017
Expo-Paris, feature on Parcours Saint Germain, June 2017
Point Contemporain, article on Room without a view, May 2017
Artistik Rezo, article on Room without a view, April 2017
Appareiller — une nouvelle génération d'artiste at Palais de Tokyo, January 2017 [read more]
Mouvement, 'Crash Test' n°87, 8-page Carte Blanche portfolio, January 2017 [read more]
Coveteur “Inside New York's Restaurant Le Turtle’, mention [read more]
Revue Point Contemporain, cover and double page artist portrait
Bourse Révélations Emerige 2016 catalogue, 4-page portrait, text by Gaël Charbau
Point Contemporain, article on Day 1/2 - 2/2
Point Contemporain, article on Et quelque(s) espacement(s)
Le Corridor de l'art, article on Et quelque(s) espacement(s)
Time Out New York, feature on neon installation Low Tide
Brutal Magazine, feature on installation Spectacle
The Village Voice Food and Drink, featured on installation Spectacle
Les Inrocklab, feature on solo exhibition Nuits Américaines
Beware, feature on solo exhibition Nuits Américaines
ArtHist, Art Laboratory Berlin conference on Synaesthesia, review written with Nadine Marker
Now Toronto, Transmissions project featured in vol. 32 no. 41
NXNE Magazine, Transmissions project featured in the program
Les Inrockuptibles Special Issue, interview for Fairy Queen project


2025 Art Herning with Alice Folker Gallery, Herning
Enter Art Fair with Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
2024 Art Herning with Alice Folker Gallery, Herning
2024 London Art Fair with The Finch Project, London
2023 Luxembourg Art Week with Nosbaum Reding, Luxembourg
Enter Art Fair with Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
Art Brussels with Nosbaum Reding, Brussels
Art Herning with Alice Folker Gallery, Herning
London Art Fair with The Finch Project, London
2022 Enter Art Fair with Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen
2022 Maison 1729, hosted by House of Ruinart during Frieze New York
2021 DRAWING NOW Alternative with Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
2020 DRAWING NOW Online with Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
2019 Bienvenue Art Fair with Galerie Isabelle Gounod, Paris
2019 ArtVilnius with Bubenberg, Focus France, Vilnius, Lithuania


Jeppe Hein, Berlin
Art Observed, New York
Maison Ruinart, Reims
Joali, Maldives
Daniel Humm, New York
Morgan Stanley, New York
Demi Moore, Los Angeles
Library of EnsAD, Paris, France
Private collections in France (Paris, Arles, Marseille, Lyon, Nice), Germany (Berlin), United States (New York, Miami, Palm Beach, Los Angeles, Maine, Connecticut, The Hamptons, Long Island, Upstate NY, Utah), United Kingdom (London, Bath), Denmark (Copenhagen), Norway (Oslo), Belgium (Brussels), Mexico (Mexico City), Canada (Vancouver, Montreal), United Arab Emirates (Dubai), The Bahamas (Nassau), Maldives


JOALI x RUINART Artist residency, at Joali Maldives to celebrate the 6th Anniversary of Joali,creation of a custom painted bar, limited edition Second Skin bottles, creation of a painted pattern, Maldives
’Aure Ambrée’ Art commission, site-specific gold leaf installation in the Secret Cellar of Maison Ruinart’s newly designed Pavilion by Sou Fugimoto, Reims
Serpenti in Art, SOPHIE KITCHING X BVLGARI, Capsule collection to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Serpenti icon [VIDEO]
The Ocean Club, A Four Seasons Resort, Bahamas, Limited Edition Print for the Crescent Wing, published by Samuels Creative & Co.
Ruinart X Frieze New York, Collaboration & live residency, limited edition Second Skin Magnums and limited edition Second Skin coasters
Gabriel Orozco Spacetime, New York (part-time)
Marian Goodman Gallery, New York (part-time)
Full research and inventory of the prints published by Multiples, Inc., between 1965-1992 with Dieter Schwarz, art historian and curator
Assistant of Gabriel Orozco (part-time)
Writer and photographer for Art Observed, online contemporary art news publication based in New York
Stage Design for Kader Belarbi's ballet Don Quichotte : "Prologue", Acte II "Marais", and props : Man-Trees, Horse Rossinante and Donkey, premiered at Théâtre du Capitole, Toulouse, April 2017
Collaboration on Aperse Fall-Winter 2017-2018 collection, art work and design used for limited editioned scarfs and selected pieces of clothing, New York - London
Marian Goodman Gallery, New York (part-time)
Full research and inventory of the prints published by Multiples, inc., in the 1970s-1980s
Commissioned project by Gallery Huayuan Art, Art Expo New York, New York
Low Tide, permanent installation, Le Turtle, LES, New York
Spectacle, installation, Brutal Magazine, Contra, LES, New York
Collaboration on the scenography of 'Brutal Juice', dinner organised by Brutal Magazine and Morgenstern's, New York
Collaboration on Bear Blocks and Bear Coding, London based company developing innovative programming courses for children, drawings and identity
Internship in Jeppe Hein Studio, Berlin-based artist, Architecture and creation, Berlin
First stage design assistant of Valérie Berman, Paris-based artist and scenographer, for Kader Belarbi's ballet, La Bête et La Bête, premiered at Théâtre du Capitole, Toulouse
Assistant of Amélie Chabannes, exhibition Extreme Drawing, Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, CT
First assistant of Jean Paul Civeyrac, on his film Fairy Queen, premiered at 104 Centquatre, Paris, screened at Locarno 2012 Film Festival
Assistant of Jean Paul Goude, retrospective Goudemalion, Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris
Internship with Gerald Karlikow, Paris-based lighting conceptor, Paris
Internship in Paris Bastille Opera, Costumes and Sets, Paris